Branson's Tour Guide

Grand Country Late Show 4/18/14 (By D.E.)

Last night's Late Show at the Grand Country Music Hall was fantastic.  I dare say it was one of the best yet and that's really saying something!  It all started with local favorite, Randy Plummer as the
featured guest.  Things just kept happening from there.

Mr. Plummer sang his own brand of Gospel music earning and receiving grand applause.  Mike Patrick and Jamie Haage even coaxed him into singing an extra song during the commercial break.  Randy has a great Christian spirit about him and it shows through in his music.  

Another highlight of the evening was when drummer Rob Blackburn stepped down from behind his drum set and into the spotlight to lead a new trio.  Joined by Jackie Brown and Jon Drockelman, they sang a Rascal Flatts song that blew everybody's socks off.  This is a group I hope to hear more from in the future.
Jackie Brown and Melody Hart did a beautiful job on a great song, Mike Patrick and Larry Allred were on fire as well.  The Grand Band played their hearts out and it showed!

The comedic highlight of the night happened when Mr. Patrick asked Jackie Brown to take a photo with his phone. From there, comedy ensued.  Somehow, there were pictures of things not even close to target.  The more she defended her skills, the funnier it was.

The next time you're in Branson (and still up) at 10:30pm on a Friday night you really should catch this show.  Click here to find out more about the Grand Country Late Show.